
A complete updated and detailed information pertaining to products and facilities of Nirvana Memorial Parks, Semenyih and Shah Alam. Please contact:

Vic Diong : 012-3636911 or 016-6051824
Jeanie : 012-6911591
Email: nirvana.memorialp@gmail.com

Thursday, June 3, 2010

富贵双回酬 Nirvana's Double Return Plan

富贵双回酬 破天荒的投资计划!

  1. 千载难逢的“2合1”投资良机
    a.) 产业投资
    b.) 基金投资
  2. 0%利息分期付款
  3. 绝佳地点,近在沙亚南
  4. 免费ING投资基金
    ING 投资基金:
  5. 独一无二的基園具非凡的投资价值
A Breakthrough Investment Plan!
Zero risk! 100% guaranteed return! Now with ING, you can make full redemption after 8 years, it's as good as FREE!*
  1. A Breakthrough "2 in 1" Investment Plan
    You may gain the profit "twice" from property and fund investment. The earlier you invest, the more profit you will gain.
    • Property Investment
    • Fund Investment
  2. 0% interest easy payment scheme
    Installment can be paid by all Master / Visa cards or by cheque. Absolutely no interest!
  3. Strategic Location (Shah Alam)
    15 minutes drive from major cities in Klang Valley, eg. Petaling Jaya, Puchong, Klang.
  4. *As Good As FREE!
    ING Fund Investment
    Managed by ING Funds, you can make full redemption in projected 8 years' time!
  5. Exclusive and High Potential Investment
    Products are exclusive with limited units, making the value justified.
Should you intend to purchase for either pre-planning or investment purpose, kindly contact us at:

Vic - 012-3636911 / 016-6051824
Jeanie - 012-6911591

and we will give you the best recommendation to the choice location of the urn as places available are limited.

Thank you!

1+1感恩大回馈 1+1 Loyalty Program

富贵唐城客户可 马上兑现投资回酬*!
Immediate Investment Return for Tang Villa's Customers*!

  1. 马上兑现投资回酬
  2. 低价购入,极高利润
    现在,您只需付RM10,000至RM13,000便可拥有一个明宫骨灰位(市价 RM38,800 以上),同时更换免费的黄金计划8(GP8)。
  3. 优先选购明宫
  4. 千载难逢的投资良机
  5. 长达1年的简易付款计划
  6. 独一无二的优雅环境,具增值潜力

TANG VILLA 1+1 Loyalty Program
This is a loyalty program to express appreciations towards Tang Villa's existing customers. The benefits are given to the customers when they sign up for
  1. Immediate Investment Return
    Customers will gain as good as an immediate return from the and no longer need to wait for projected returns minimum 8 years (ING)!
  2. Pay Less and Make More Profit
    Now, you just have to pay an attractive price from RM9,000 to RM12,000 to own an additional 1(one) Ming Palace urn compartment (market value of minimum RM30,800) in exchange of forgoing the Golden Plan 8 (GP8).
  3. Priority to choose Ming Palace
    Ming Palace is a newly launched product of high quality with Ming Dynasty architecture, customers get the priority to choose the urn units prior to official launching.
  4. Not-to-be-missed Opportunity
    Product pricing is estimated to rise progressively, so the earlier you invest, the more profit you may gain.
  5. Easy Payment and Zero Interest
    Up to 1 year installment, 0% interest easy payment scheme is available.
  6. Exclusive and High Potential Investment
    Products are exclusive and limited offer to existing customers only, making the value justified, Customers will only be entitled to choose their Ming Palace choice unit upon full payment on existing purchase.

富貴唐城明宮 Ming Palace

富貴唐城明宮,仿效明朝建築構思,佔地約3萬方尺,每寸磚片瓦皆沿著明代的建築風 格,建築氣勢輝煌,佈局謹嚴,整體散發出濃鬱的明朝韻味,中華文化風格更爲華美,氣勢更爲恢宏。

The concept of Ming Palace originates from the architectural structure of Ming Dynasty. It occupies an area of 30,000 feet and is highly integrated with the style of the Ming Dynasty with brilliance, and precision and utter elegance in its layout. With luxurious interior facilities, the entire development excludes an aura of Ming culture unique only to itself.

山川水系作爲建築 構成的主題要素,建築掩映于綠林水抱之中相互映襯,如同“天造地設”,展現,
既有山川水系之秀美,又有古典文化之絢麗,豐富的優雅情感,恰好處地體現出強 烈的明朝風格。
富贵唐城明宫牵繋着中华内心对明朝时代的历史文化情 怀,而这份情怀得以继续于富贵唐城明宫一脈傅承,同时为往生者构筑秦于完美的安息空间。

The ancient Ming Palace is in Ming dynasty mansion, richly decorated and elegant, emphasizing on the orientation and symmetry to reflect the eternal peaceful environment. The whole architecture is designed in great details following the traditional Ming culture.
Ming Palace, a truly ideal resting place for Chinese descendants.

明宫護城河 Ming Palace Moat
護城河乃古時由人工挖鑿,環繞整座城門與古代人們的生活息息相關,為皇宮、寺院等 主要建築物的河流,具有防禦作用。
如今,護城河重現富貴明宮,富貴唐 城明宮的護城河,清澈泉水、波光粼粼,通脈聚氣,實現了人水合一,宛如一幅美麗的山水畫。鑲嵌在繁華都市內的富貴明宮,綠蔭處處與古色古香的河拱橋,相映 成趣。
水乃万物之源,亦汇聚着天地之灵气。明宫这个灵动的地方,流着 一个清溪,婆娑柳影倒映于清溪之中,護城河的美态美景重新展现在现代面前。
訪者倘佯于幽静的明宫護城河畔细赏河畔风光,碧绿的水源宛如一條绿色的飘带,为明宫增添了一丝绿意,一丝生机。好一派环境优美,充满 自然情趣的和谐景象,让强烈的明朝风格内涵,在富贵唐城明宫中不断延续中。。。

Ming Palace Moat originates from the ancient concept of having rivers surrounding the entire Ming Palace, standing tall and leading the lives of its ancient folks. Adding not just a cosmetic touch to the entire landscape, the Ming Palace Moat also plays a defensive role safe guarding the palace, temple buildings and other major rivers.
In addition, Ming Palace's clear river assembles and gathers the greatest "Qi", summoning and bringing upon prosperity and posterity to future generations.
These features, coupled with Ming Palace's lush greenery and natural ambience, significantly enhances the auspicious touch of fengshui within Ming Palace's exotic surroundings.

阿彌陀佛 Amitabha
阿彌陀佛为西方极乐净土世界的教主,凡持阿彌陀佛名号者,生前获佛护佑,消除一切 灾祸业苦;死后更可化生其极乐净土,得享一切安乐。
立于明宮正方的阿 彌陀佛金身聖像,高約25尺,頗有靜謐肅穆、威望肅然之感。阿彌陀佛左手持金蓮花,平胸而立,右手下垂,作接迎衆生狀,为接迎佛,象徵慈悲;中有一蓮台, 表示接引衆生的意思。
阿彌陀佛莲座台下的水流,映射出缤纷耀眼的彩 光,律动的潺潺流水声,带走访者心中的烦忧与劳顿。
阿彌陀佛加持十方 信众夺得喜乐,令访者都能欢亲近,阿彌陀佛眼神则表现出禅定与关爱,令访者心中自然泛起祥和与宁静。

Amitabha, the Buddha of the pure land, guards at the center of the square. Standing at 25 feet fall, it signifies yet another solemn, quiet and an image of prestige with distinction. Holding his left hand with chest-standing and right hand down, the Golden Buddha is indeed a symbol of compassion to welcome all the visitors.
The Buddha's eyes are most expressive, showing the love and compassion he has for his people. The sound of flowing water and the colorful rays of light brings upon the feeling of serenity and peace.

廣場庭院 Courtyard
步入明宮,迎面而來的是一片寬敞、富有活力的空間,骨灰殿的環抱的明宮休閒式廣 場,在溫煦的陽光照透下,開敞的廣場空間,展現著一幅親切開朗的景觀場面,令人心旷神怡。

Upon stepping into the Ming Courtyard, one could instantly be welcomes by spacious surroundings filled with dynamism. Busting with energy under the influence of penetrating sunrays thru Ming Palace exotic design, the Ming Courtyard exudes a style of its own, giving it a friendly touch, helping its visitors to rest and relax while enjoying complete serenity.

骨灰殿 Columbarium
朝正方3层楼的大佛殿,彰显尊贵,拥有气派的空间和舒适的感觉。同时,也备有升降机设备,方便主家拜祭,缅怀故人。精致装潢完美设计的明朝骨灰殿,宁静自 在,巧思规划,为往生者制造一个祥和的安息之地。
每栋骨灰殿皆有一尊菩萨聖像护佑,设计整齐美观的骨灰阁,散发着一股莊严宁静的气息,让访者在追思之际,心情倍感安慰。骨灰阁内堂金碧辉煌的陈设,舒适宽 阔的息雅座,拂去访者内心的悲感情怀,把访者对往生亲人的思念化成细细追忆。。。

The 3-level Columbarium is distinguished and elegant with style and comfort. It is equipped with lift facility for the convenience of visitors in paying homage and cherishing the memory of their loved ones. Exquisitely designed, the Buddha Palace is a quiet, comfortable and indeed a peaceful resting place for all.
With the compassionate Buddha Statue guarding each of the Ming Palace's Columbarium, it enlightens and assures a place of eternal life.
Walking into the columbarium gives an inner sense of belonging to the visitors, with fond memories and remembrance of their loved ones.


Ming Palace (MP1) is giving a discount of up to RM3,000.00 (RM2,000.00 Cash Purchase Discount* plus another RM1,000.00 special discount) for each Double Urn Compartment purchased.

Only Pre-need products in Tang Villa 2 & Ming Palace purchased from 01-04-2010 to 30-6-2010
are eligible to enjoy this fabulous promotion.

* This Cash Purchase Discount is offered to purchasers who settle the total purchase price in full by not more than 6 monthly installments.

To top it all up, we are also giving away one NLP discount voucher worth RM1,000.00 upon successful purchase of the above Double Urn Compartment. However, this NLP discount voucher will only be given out from 01-04-2010 to 31-05-2010 and the discount voucher must be utilized on or before 30-6-2010, meaning you must purchase a NLP product by 30-6-2010 in order to enjoy the RM1,000 discount.

Should you intend to purchase for either pre-planning or investment purpose, kindly contact us at:

Vic - 012-3636911 / 016-6051824
Jeanie ~ 012-6911591

and we will give you the best recommendation to the choice location of the urn as places available are limited.

Thank you! ;)

富貴生命計劃 NV Life Plan

*Click to enlarge*

Our company, NV Multi Corporation Berhad has recently launched its newest product, NV Life Plan (NVP) which promotes and inculcates Pre-planning and is also more 'financial friendly' so as to reach a broader range of general public to achieve Total Peace of Mind.

This brand new idea of NVLife Plan saw the benefits of:

  1. 鎖定高達30%* 的折扣優惠,使用時全額回扣,形同免費!只需付區區的RM5,000,客戶可享有 鎖定富貴圓滿契約高達30%*的折扣價格,同時在使用時享獲全額回扣,此富貴人生計劃,讓您圓滿人生,形同免費!
  2. 預先訂購,超級節省,將來獲得保障
  3. 事先妥善安排、無後顧之憂
  4. 早作準備、擁有自主權
  5. 零利息簡易付款計劃
  6. 轉讓特權
  7. 富貴產品是信心的保證

The Benefits of Purchasing NV Life Plan
  1. Lock In up to 30%* Discount Rate. As good as free!
    Customer needs to pay only RM5,000 to lock in the discount rate up to 30%* to possess the NV Funeral Service Package. Also, the RM5,000 will be rebate while exercising. As good as free!
  2. Your Future Life is Assured with lock-in discount rate that save your money
    Your future life is assured when you purchase NV Life Plan to lock in the discount rate up to 30%*. This is an affordable value plan that save your money!
  3. A Need for Everyone, Pre-planning to Ensure A Total Peace of Mind
    Funeral service is a need for everyone. Life is unpredictable, pre-plan yourself to ensure a total peace of mind to you and your beloved one.
  4. Pre-planning with Self decision - making
    Making wise decision with your family to prevent your family from conflicts and unnecessary argument upon the moment of grief.
  5. Easy Payment Scheme Available
    Up to 12* months, 0% interest easy payment available, reducing your financial burden once you purchase Nirvana Life Plan.
  6. Transferable Privilege
    You may reap substantial benefits upon transferring the privilege to friends or relative that enjoys the same benefits even not for own use.
  7. Nirvana, Confidence and Quality Service provided
    One of the Asia’s largest bereavement care pioneers- NV Multi Corporation Berhad that holds over 20 years of experience in the industry, providing quality and professional service.
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  1. 客戶在富貴生命計劃的 購買同意書的七(7)天后,並且付清全部購買款項,方能行使此折扣及回扣優惠以購買有關的殯儀套裝。
  2. 在富貴生命計劃購買日期起的六(6)個月后行使, 客戶即能享有30%的折扣優惠(富貴榮華(A)及富貴滿 堂(A))及20%的折扣優惠(富貴吉祥(A))。請參閱后 頁圖表(I)。
  3. 在富貴生命計劃購買日期起的六(6)個月內行使,客戶即能享有20%(富貴榮華(A)及富貴滿堂(A))及15%的折扣優惠(富貴吉祥(A))。 請參閱后頁圖表(II) 。
  4. 如富貴生命計劃乃購買者自用或給予直系家屬(購買者的父母、合法伴侶、兒女及岳父母)行使,客戶即直接享有30%的折扣優惠(富貴榮華(A)及富 貴滿堂(A))及20%的折扣優惠(富貴吉祥(A))。請參閱后頁圖表(I) 。
  5. 在繳清富貴生命計劃后,客戶可轉讓與其他人使用,唯需付每單RM100的轉讓手續費。
  6. 其他規則與條件請參閱相關文件。
  7. 如有任何爭議,富贵集团保留權力于必要時增減以上的條規。
NV Life Plan Terms and Conditions
  1. Subject to the expiry of seven (7) days from the acceptance of the NLP Purchase Order and the full payment on the Purchase Price, then the Purchaser is entitled at any time to purchase the funeral package with the discount rate and rebate.
  2. If exercised after six months from the NLP purchase date, customers are entitled the discount rate of 30% (NV Golden (A) & NV Supreme (A)) and 20% (NV Deluxe (A)). Please refer to Chart I on the reverse page.
  3. If the NLP is being exercised within six (6) months from the NLP purchase date, customers are entitled the discount rate of 20% (NV Golden (A) & NV Supreme (A)) and 15% (NV Deluxe(A)). Please refer to Chart II on the reverse page.
  4. If the NLP is exercised for own use or immediate family members, (Parents, Parents- In- Law, Spouse or Children), customers are directly entitled the discount rate of 30% (NV Golden (A) & NV Supreme (A)) and 20% (NV Deluxe (A)). Please refer to Chart I on the reverse page.
  5. Transfer is allowed upon full payment and subject to transfer fees of RM100 per unit.
  6. Others terms and conditions apply, please refer to relevant documents.
  7. The Company reserves the rights to amend any of the above terms and conditions as an when necessary and shall have the absolute rights to the final say should any dispute arises in regards to the above program.
For a complete saving plan, kindly give us a call and we will make every effort to meet your specific needs.

Vic : 012-3636911 / 016-6051824
Jeanie : 012-6911591

Tang Villa I & Tang Villa II - 紫竹林

普渡从生的紫竹林, 竹子通外直。


富贵唐城紫竹林气韵柔美悠远,婉约中透着坚毅,气质十足。享受竹林的幽静,细间竹叶的清香,禄意盎然, 充满生机的竹林; 宁静,祥和的气氛让人沉醉其中; 心灵在幽静与清香中袅袅升华,进入物我两忘的意境。

富贵唐城紫竹林的观音圣像,庄严慈祥;既有神性之悲悯,端 坐于莲台之上,面对着蓝天竹林,俯着莲座下顶礼拜的从生,永恒的保持着悲悯的微笑。

Bamboo lends an exotic oriental atmosphere to the landscape. It symbolises strength, flexibility, tenacity, endurance and compromise. As a result, Tang Villa ll exudes an atmosphere filled with compassion, comfort and peace.

Bamboo also represents a time-honoured tradition, bringing generations together to foster a bond to meet forward in life. With the compassionate and merciful Goddess of Mercy guarding over the courtyard, one feels the love that enlightens and bond family together.

The faith in itself indicates the paths and steps towards enlightenment within the Tang Villa ll.

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Double 双位
May onwards 五月后

However, from 1/4/2010 to 30/6/2010, there will be a RM2,000.00 special discount extended to any successful purchase with a 20% down payment and the balance payment to be made in full within 6 months (Interest Free).

For priority to select ideal and desired locations
please call :
Vic : 012-3636911 / 016-6051824
Jeanie : 012-6911591

富贵圆满2合1配套 NV Perfect 2 in 1 Package



Heritage Court
Spreading across the prime land area in the central of Shah Alam and with 6 majestic blocks of columbarium, Heritage Court is renowned for its scenic landscape tapestry that pays tribute to the beauty of mother nature. While one spends time immersing his/her soul within the beauty surrounding Heritage Court, it lush walkway , greenery and posh landscaping would leave one gasping in awe.

Blending with Chinese cultural artsa nd the idea of peace and tranquility, Heritage Court is indisputably a magnificient resting place for our departed loved ones.


Nirvana now presents the first ever in demand and most affordable


3 Days 1 Night Funeral Service
(Taoist or Buddhist Prayer Ceremony)

Heritage Niche

Single Package Starting from : RM14,900.00*
(One (1) Single Niche + One (1) Funeral Service)
Double Package Starting from : RM28,900.00*
(One (1) Double Niche + Two (2) Funeral Services)

单位(Level1, 2, 9)RM 14,900RM 21,500
单位(Level 3 - 8)RM 17,900RM 24,500
双位(Level 1, 2, 9)RM 28,900RM 43,500
双位(DL / DR Level 3 - 8)RM 34,900RM 46,500
双位(DB Level 3 - 8)RM 36,900RM 49,500

10% downpayment with balance to be paid over:
- 24 monthly instalments (Single Package) or
- 48 monthly instalments (Double Package)

  • 低首期付款 Low Down Payment
  • 24个月零利息轻松付款 24 Interest-Free Installment
  • 超值折扣优惠 Great Discount
  • 免除通膨的压力 Lock-In Price Agaist Inflation
  • 让自己与家人无后顾之忧 Comprehensive Total Peace of Mind
  • 数量有限,请把握机会 Limited Units Available
  • 省钱投资 Money Saving Investment

* The above Packages are (1) applicable to Heritage Court, Nirvana Shah Alam Memorial Park AND (2) for Pre-Planning Purchase only.

Please contact :
Vic : 012-3636911 / 016-6051824
Jeanie : 012-6911591

Call us for more information! :)